Our Organization
Membership & Governance
The mission of the American Guild of Organists is to foster a thriving community of musicians who share their knowledge and inspire passion for the organ.
The vision of the American Guild of Organists is to engage, support, and uplift every organist. As a member, you can: connect with other organists, enhance your skills as an organist and choral conductor, celebrate the organ in historic and evolving contexts, discover news of the organ and choral world online and in The American Organist, nurture new organists of all ages, share knowledge and expertise, enjoy camaraderie at chapter events and conventions, find inspiration and challenge, receive encouragement from colleagues, experience great organs and organists, access career opportunities and job listings, and earn professional credentials.
Our Chapter's governance consists of an Executive Board and four Committees: Programs, Education, Outreach, and Development. The executive board includes the Dean, Secretary, Treasurer/Registrar, and four Members-at-large, one from each of the four committees. The Executive Committee also has two ex-officio members with voice but no vote: the newsletter editor and the chapter member responsible for professional relations and placement. Board members serve 2-year terms and every year, one of the positions is filled by membership voting. Members can be nominated to an open position by a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is appointed by vote of the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Dean. As a non-profit organization, we rely strictly on the involvement and volunteerism of our membership. Many members join one of the four committees, volunteer at programs, or donate to our chapter scholarship fund. A copy of the Chapter's Operating Procedures is available to members in their Member-Login.